Tips for Visiting Paris with Kids

Paris, the enchanting capital city of France, is not only a dream destination for adults but also a fantastic place to visit with your children. From captivating museums to iconic landmarks and child-friendly activities, Paris offers a wealth of experiences for the entire family. If you’re planning a trip to Paris with your kids, here are some valuable tips to ensure you make the most of your visit.


  • Paris is an ideal city to visit with children due to its abundance of museums, child-focused activities, and recognizable landmarks from cartoons.
  • Preparing your kids for the trip by getting them used to walking long distances and familiarizing them with Parisian sights through cartoons can enhance their excitement.
  • When visiting museums, it’s recommended to limit the number of museums or main sites per day to avoid overwhelming your kids.
  • Taking advantage of green spaces in Paris and engaging in interactive activities, such as macaron classes or plein air painting, can provide a well-rounded experience for children.
  • Practical considerations like providing snacks, using strollers, and inquiring about smaller portions at restaurants will contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable trip.

Preparing Your Kids for Paris

  • Familiarize your kids with walking long distances and ensure their shoes are comfortable by going on family walks in the weeks leading up to your trip.
  • Show your kids cartoons or movies that feature Parisian landmarks to build excitement and anticipation.
  • Encourage your children to recognize famous sights like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre from their favorite cartoons, which can make the visit more engaging for them.

Exploring Museums and Landmarks

  • Limit museum visits to one or two per day to prevent your kids from becoming overwhelmed.
  • Start with popular museums like the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay, which offer children’s activities and areas specifically designed to captivate young minds.
  • Take breaks in between museum visits to let your kids play and expend some energy in nearby green spaces.
  • Consider splitting up if there’s a museum or attraction you’re particularly interested in. One parent can explore while the other takes care of the kids, and then switch roles in the afternoon.
  • Instead of going up the Eiffel Tower with young children, opt for the breathtaking view from Sacré-Cœur, which is equally enjoyable and free of charge.

Child-Focused Tours and Activities

  • Engage your children in interactive and cultural experiences by participating in child-focused tours and activities.
  • Take a macaron class together or engage in plein air painting near notable landmarks.
  • Look for specialized tours or activities designed to entertain and educate children, providing a unique perspective on Parisian culture and history.

Practical Tips for a Smooth Trip

  • Allow your kids to nibble on a baguette or croissant as you explore, which can help keep them calm and energized.
  • Be mindful of the distance between attractions and the amount of walking involved. Paris is a vast city, and young children may not tolerate extensive walks without breaks.
  • Consider using umbrella strollers for easy maneuvering in the metro and crowded areas.
  • When dining out, note that children’s menus are not widely available. However, some restaurants may accommodate smaller portions upon request.
  • Embrace local delights like croque-monsieur sandwiches, pain de chocolat, and crepes with Nutella, which are sure to please young palates.


Paris is a remarkable city to explore with your children, offering a perfect blend of educational, cultural, and exciting experiences. By preparing your kids in advance, planning visits to museums and landmarks strategically, and incorporating child-focused activities, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable trip for the entire family. Embrace the magic of Paris through the eyes of your children and create lasting memories in this extraordinary city.